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Crime prevention or reduction

Some older adults are particularly vulnerable to becoming victims of crime, while the issue of elder abuse (whether physical, or emotional, or due to neglect) is increasingly considered a challenge. Find the latest evidence on crime prevention/reduction in our resources below.

Older adults increasingly targeted by fraud and scams
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Are you a victim of abuse?
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Sexual assaults against older adults in nursing homes: recognizing the signs and asking for help
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  • Evidence Summary

    CCTV surveillance found to be a key tool in crime prevention

    Criminology & Public Policy (2019)
  • Evidence Summary

    Financial fraud and scams among older adults is a serious concern

    American Journal of Public Health (2017)
  • Evidence Summary

    Towards a best-practice guideline to prevent abuse and neglect of older adults

    Canadian Journal on Aging (2016)
  • Web Resource Rating

    Preventing elder abuse

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    There are many types of elder abuse. Elder abuse is a serious problem in the USA and can lead to physical injuries, emotional effects, premature death and worsened health problems. Read this resource to learn more about elder abuse and tips to prevent it.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder Abuse: Fast Facts

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    Elder abuse is the intentional act or failure to act that creates a risk for, or harms an older adult. Elder abuse can have several physical and emotional effects on an older adult. Listening to older adults, educating oneself on recognizing and acting on elder abuse, and providing cargivers with support can help to prevent elder abuse. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder Abuse: Risk and Protective Factors

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    A combination of individual, community, relational, and societal factors contribute to the risk of someone being abusive or neglectful to elders. There is also a combination of indiviudal, community and relational protective factors that can decrease the risk of an elder being abused or neglected. Read this resource to learn more about both these groups of factors.
  • Evidence Summary

    Understanding the risk factors to prevent violence against older adults

    Aggression and Violent Behavior (2019)
  • Web Resource Rating

    Rural and Tribal Elder Justice Resource Guide

    The United States Department of Justice
    Tribal and rural lands are home to many older adults. In the United States, the Department of Justice and Department of Agriculture teamed up to address issues of elder abuse in rural and tribal areas. This resource contains information about elder abuse and links to useful external resources for tribal elders and rural older adults. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Problem gambling and crime and its costs

    Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO)
    Gambling addiction can lead to crime, which is costly for the justice system. People with gambling problems and people doing crimes have shared risk factors. View this resource for policy proposals for reducing gambling crime.
  • Web Resource Rating


    Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO)
    Having easy access to gambling venues can make you more likely to develop gambling problems. If gambling is socially acceptable in your environment or venues are attractive you might be additionally at risk. Read the resource for more information on environmental factors that affect your risk of developing gambling problems.
  • Web Resource Rating


    Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO)
    Gambling harm is more common in areas closer to land-based gambling venues. Environmental factors can greatly influence problem gambling. Read this resource for information on the effect of casinos on the proximal community.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Ageism and abuse

    Aging Equal
    Elder abuse is a problem that results from ageism. The abuse can be financial, psychological, sexual, and physical. Ageism can render victims of abuse invisible. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Webinar: When Someone Moves In and Won't Move Out - Home Takeovers

    Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
    Home takeovers can occur to vulnerable populations, including seniors. A friend or family member looking for a temporary place to stay might take advantage of the homeowner. Home takeovers can be prevented or stopped by taking action. Watch this video to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Identity Theft Among American Indian and Alaskan Native Elders

    National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative
    Identity theft and financial exploitation remains a risk for older adults in American Indian/Alaskan Native communities. The statistics in this report show that many perpetrators are people an elder victim knows. Read this resource to learn more and get tips on how to protect yourself.
  • Evidence Summary

    Little consideration of rural and remote communities in elder abuse policies

    Australian Journal of Rural Health (2019)
  • Web Resource Rating

    What every older Canadian should know about: Planning for possible loss of independence

    Health Canada- Seniors
    An enduring power of attorney can help you in the future when you are no longer able to make decisions yourself. Planning ahead is important if you want someone to be your enduring power of attorney. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Protecting Yourself in the Season of Computer Infections

    Next Avenue
    The holiday season is a popular time for scams and phishing because of the increase in online shopping. Computer infections also spread during this time. Learn more about malware, phishing and computer infections and how you can stay safe on your computer this season.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder abuse

    Better Health Channel
    Elder abuse is a very serious problem that affects seniors of all ages, gender and ethnicities. It can manifest in the form of physical, financial, sexual or psychological abuse. Seniors are usually hesitant to seeking help therefore it is important to notice the signs and report any type of malicious behaviour.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Your Money, Your Goals – Overcoming Barriers Through Financial Empowerment

    National Council on Aging (US)
    This resource describes the barriers that seniors face when making financial decisions such as financial abuse, economic barriers and minority challenges. Learn how the National Indian Council on Aging is helping elders overcome these barriers.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Spot the difference: learn to recognize elder abuse bullying and frauds and scams

    Government of Alberta
    Learn about the difference between elder abuse, bullying and frauds and use this knowledge to protect elders from these crimes.
  • Web Resource Rating

    What every older Canadian should know about: Managing and protecting their assets

    Employment and Social Development Canada
    To protect your assets in older age, make a financial plan, consider insurance, and read up on frauds. Resource shares more brochures about government programs.
  • Web Resource Rating

    What every older Canadian should know about: Financial abuse

    Employment and Social Development Canada
    Learn about financial abuse that older adults face such as scams, forced purchases, confusing documents or paying for relatives without consent. Resource shares more brochures about government programs.
  • Web Resource Rating

    What every older Canadian should know about: Fraud and scams

    Employment and Social Development Canada
    Consider protecting yourself from identity theft, credit card fraud, online scams, or door-to-door scams. Resource shares more brochures about government programs.
  • Evidence Summary

    Neighbourhood watch can reduce crime

    Campbell Systematic Reviews (2008)
  • Web Resource Rating

    Domestic and inter-partner violence

    Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO)
    Families, including both partner and children, of problem gamblers are more likely to experience forms of domestic violence. Studies report high correlations between domestic abuse and the harms associated with gambling. The financial losses and the emotional stresses associated with gambling are some of the causes of violence.
  • Evidence Summary

    There is a need for gender-sensitive health- and social-care services for aging individuals

    Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services (2012)
  • Web Resource Rating

    Understand PIN protection

    Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
    You should never share your bank PIN with anyone. Access this resource for more information on how to protect yourself from theft.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Identity theft

    Consumer Information Canada
    Identity theft is when personal information is stolen. This resource will help you stop and report identity theft.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Debit card fraud

    Consumer Information Canada
    Debit card fraud happens when someone steals your bank information and takes out money without permission. Many organizations in Canada protect citizens from fraud. This resource includes tips on how to prevent it and who to contact in case it happens.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Misleading advertising

    Consumer Information Canada
    Internet scams are becoming more elaborate and prevalent. Read this resource for information on how to protect yourself and identify online scams.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Substance use

    Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO)
    Substance use and gambling are highly correlated. They often interact and progress the severity of each other. Intervention may be necessary to treat these addictions.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Telefono Anziani Maltrattati: an Italian helpline for victims of elder abuse

    Aging Equal
    The Telefono Anziani Maltratti is a helpline service dedicated to receiving reports and managing abuses against older people. The Telefono Anziani Maltrattati builds relationships between volunteers, older people and institutions in order to support older people who are being abused. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    “You find your way out, with help, and with courage.”

    Aging Equal
    Some victims of psychological abuse may not realize that theyare being abused. Watch this video to learn about Montse's story about being psychologically abused, and finding the courage to move forward and start again. This video is in Catalan with English subtitles.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Home Takeovers

    Crime Prevention Ottawa
    A home takeover happens when a guest comes into your home and doesn't leave. The guest might start acting in a way that makes you feel unsafe. It is important to act if your home has been taken over. Read this resource to learn what to do.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Navigating Adult Protective Services in Virginia

    Virginia Commonwealth University
    Elder abuse happens when an act is committed that harms, distresses or endangers an older adult. Elder abuse may also involve failing to care for an older adult. There are many forms of elder abuse and many signs that abuse is occuring. Read this resource to learn more about organizations that offer abuse prevention and support in Virginia.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Programs and Services for Seniors

    Government of Québec
    This guide contains information on government programs and services available to seniors in Québec. This guide contains links to resources related to health and social services, home help, housing, transportation, justice and tax credits. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Coping with a Loss of Independence

    Government of Québec
    This guide contains links to programs and services offered to those who are losing their independence due to ageing or illness. The links provided on this page relate to housing, work, legal services, home help, health and social services, transport and financial aid. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Mistreatment of older adults - recognizing mistreatment

    Government of Québec
    Mistreatment is a single or repeated act that causes harm or distress to an older adult. The mistreatment of elders can fall into 7 main categories, which includes, psychological mistreatment, physical mistreatment, sexual mistreatment, financial mistreatment and more. Read this resources to find examples of each of the types of mistreatment.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Mistreatment of older adults - Risk factors

    Government of Québec
    Certain factors make older adults more likely to be a target of mistreatment. Risk factors are related to the older adult's environment. Vulnerability factors are related the person's characterisitcs. There are also factors related to the person who mistreates the older adult. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Mistreatment of older adults - Consequences

    Government of Québec
    The older adult who is being mistreated is the first to be affected by the consequences of mistreatment. These consequences can be physical, psychological, financial or social. Mistreatment also affects the older adult's loved ones. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Mistreatment of older adults - Protective factors

    Government of Québec
    Certain factors can reduce an older adult's risk of being mistreated. These factors can be divided into factors related to the older adult's personal characterisitics and the older adult's environment. Read this resource for examples of each of these types of factors.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Mistreatment of older adults - Act to combat maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations

    Government of Québec
    The Act to combat maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations is a law which provides 6 ways to reduce maltreatment of seniors. This Act focuses on monitoring, reporting, protection and training. Read this resource to learn more about the Act.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Mistreatment of older adults - Help and resources

    Government of Québec
    This resource contains helplines and services that are available to vitcims of mistreatment, domestic abuse, crime, or discrimination. This resource also contains services for caregivers of older adults. Read this resource to learn more. Some of these services are only available in French.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Scam Alert: Financial Abuse of Older Adults Expected to Skyrocket During Pandemic

    Institute on Aging
    Scammers are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic and especially targeting older adults. They are using the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic to steal personal information and bank details. Never give out personal information over the phone and verify whenever you receive an alarming call or request for money. Stop communicating with a vendor or business if they pressure you to act immediately. Payments with gift-cards are also commonly used for scams. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Disaster Preparedness: A Complete Guide For Seniors
    Everyone should prepare for natural disasters but older adults should take care to prepare well in advance. This is because natural disasters have a greater impact on seniors. Older adults should begin by assessing their needs and gathering important documents. Older adults should also look into resources and help available in their own neighbourhoods. Read this resource for more information.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Financial Abuse of Older Adults

    Health Link B.C.
    Financial abuse is the most commonly reported form of abuse by older adults. It is when someone uses a person's property or money without permission. This includes fraud and theft. Know the signs and how to get help by reading this resource.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults: Understanding Gender Differences

    Health Link B.C.
    Elder abuse can differ based on gender. Older adult women face different risks than older adult men. This is because of differences in lifespan and social conditions. Read this resource to learn more about these differences and how to get help.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults

    Health Link B.C.
    How can we protect against elder abuse? The first step is recognizing the signs and then knowing how to get help. Read this resource for more information and some British Columbia-specific resources.
  • Web Resource Rating

    The Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act in Alberta

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    Older adults may have different abilities to make decisions. The Alberta Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act gives options for older adults with different needs. Read this resource for general guidelines.
  • Web Resource Rating

    General Powers of Attorney

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    General Power of Attorney can be used to have another person manage your financial affairs for various temporary reasons. This resource helps explain the difference between General and Enduring Power of Attorney as well. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Making a Will

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    It is good to plan ahead with a will before you die. A will can help alleviate costs and confusion after your death. Learn how to make a will, change a will, challenge a will and more, by reading this resource.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Wills Checklist

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    This checklist is a good resource that can help you draft your will. Learn about how to cancel an old will, choose a personal representative, evaluate your assets, and more. Read this resource for more information.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Housing and Aging in Place Options

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    If you own or are renting property, this resource can help guide you to more information on how to deal with legal issues. Landlords, tenants, condo owners, or home owners in Alberta can all use this resource to better inform themselves of their legal rights and responsibilities.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Grandparents and Grandchildren

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    For grandparents in Alberta who want to gain or regain contact with their grandchildren, there are a couple options you can explore. Learn about how to navigate the courts, how to become a kinship caregiver, and the responsibilities of Guardianship. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Scams & Fraud

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    People who commit scams and fraud especially target older adults. Use the links in this resource to learn how to prevent frauds and the government services available for help.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Help with Decision Making

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    The Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act provides different ways for Albertan adults to get help making decisions. The options vary based on an adult's ability to make decisions and what decisions are being made. Use this resource to find what option may be right for you.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Getting Help

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. This resource includes other helplines you can also call for help for yourself or a loved one. A judge can also help to grant police the power to check in on your loved one's safety. Read this resource for more information.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Tips for Planning and Security

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    Planning for your future and maintaining your security as you age are important for your personal safety and well being. Read this resource to learn how to plan, what documents to prepare, and ideas for what to do in the future.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder Abuse

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    Elder abuse is when harm is perpetrated towards older adults. This abuse is never the fault of the older adult. This resource has some key indicators about what abuse looks like, how to report abuse, and legal ways to stop abuse. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    What is Elder Abuse?

    Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council
    There are many different forms of elder abuse including financial, psychological/emotional, physical, sexual, neglect, and medication abuse. There are many signs of each kind. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Ethno-Cultural Communities

    Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council
    Elder abuse can affect members of any cultural community. Some elders however can feel more marginalized from society due to cultural and societal reasons. This can make escaping elder abuse more difficult. Read about these reasons in this resource.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Theories of Abuse

    Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council
    Researchers have come up with several theories for why elder abuse occurs. These reasons are based on societal and psychological reasons. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Revealing Abuse

    Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council
    Reporting elder abuse can be difficult. There are many barriers that older adults can face or feel when thinking about reporting abuse. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    When is Elder Abuse a Crime?

    Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council
    There are laws that can help older adults facing abuse. These laws are written into both federal and provincial collections of laws called statutes. For a general understanding of some legal issues, use the link in this resource.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Safety Plan

    Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council
    Creating a safety plan can be a way to give yourself or a loved one peace of mind when needing to escape danger. This resource contains tips on how to prepare a potential escape. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder Abuse Defined

    OakNet: Canadian Law for Older Adults
    What is elder abuse and who is at risk? What specific actions count as abuse? You can learn the answer to these questions and more in this resource.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Violence and Abuse in Rural America

    Rural Health Information Hub
    Violence and abuse are severe problems in the United States. Due to limited resources in rural areas of the country, victims of abuse and violence have less access to transportation and support services. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Resources for Survivors of Crime and Abuse: Search Resources

    Tribal Resource Tool
    This interactive map can help victims of crime find Native and Indigenous support services around the United States. You can also narrow your search based on your gender, the service type you are seeking, and your age. Use this resource to find your nearest support centre.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Resources for Survivors of Crime and Abuse: Definition List

    Tribal Resource Tool
    Legal and criminal resources can sometimes use a lot of confusing terms. This definitions list explains these different terms in clear language. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Online Interactive Educational Modules

    National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative
    People working with Indigenous elders can use these online educational modules to inform themselves about elder abuse. Begin with the module on elder abuse to familiarize yourself with the issue of elder abuse in Indigenous communities.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder Abuse

    National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative
    The National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative in the United States educates people about elder abuse. This resource explains some types of elder abuse including spiritual abuse. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Tribal Elder Protection Team Toolkit

    National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative
    Tribal Elder Protection Teams are made of groups of professionals who help clients coordinate with support services to address elder abuse. Each team follows codes and has defined roles. This toolkit also offers resources to help make each team establish cultural sensitivity when working with Tribal Elders. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Hiring an In-Home Caregiver: What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You

    Today's Caregiver
    Finding an in-home caregiver can feel challenging. It is important to gather as much knowledge as possible to choose the best fit. Read this resource to learn more about what to look out for and services available to you.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Adult guardianship

    Government of Alberta
    Adult guardianship gives an adult legal authority to make decisions for another adult. There are guidelines for who can be a guardian. Learn about the process for obtaining guardianship in Alberta.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Personal directive

    Government of Alberta
    A personal directive is a legal document that can express your wishes for the future when you are not longer able to do so yourself. In Alberta, it is written instead of a living will. Learn how to prepare a personal directive by reading this resource.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Supported decision-making

    Government of Alberta
    You can access supportive decision making when you need help making non-financial decisions. You can access this help even when you are capable of making your own decisions. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Get help – Elder abuse

    Government of Alberta
    Elder abuse can negatively affect your mental and physical well-being. Keep an eye out for some signs of elder abuse. Once you recognize the abuse, there are steps you can take. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Coordinated community response to elder abuse

    Government of Alberta
    Coordinated community responses help address and prevent elder abuse on a local level. You can build a response group in your community too. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Buying Medical Devices from the Internet

    Health Canada
    Many Canadians buy medical devices online. However, not all these devices come from trustworthy sources and it’s important to know how to stay safe when buying such devices online. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder Abuse and Neglect

    Help Guide
    Older adults are at risk of elder abuse and neglect. There are many warning signs you can look out for in your loved one. Read this resource to learn more.
  • Web Resource Rating

    How to avoid or recover from identity theft

    Government of Ontario
    Identity theft can be a serious threat to your personal and financial information. This resource can help you stay safe. It can also help you if you have been a victim of identity theft.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Looking at the Details of a Senior Living Contract

    A Place For Mom
    Senior living contracts are contracts signed with senior living communities to detail what legal terms bind an older adult wanting to join a home. Some parts of the contract may be negotiable. Use this resource to learn how to read a senior living contract in detail and with an attorney.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Vacationing in Later Years: 6 Tips That Will Make You a Smarter Traveler

    National Council on Aging (US)
    Many older adults travel around the world. Read this resource to learn about how to stay safe on vacation.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Recognizing spam: top 5 tips you can pass onto seniors in your life

    Consumer Protection BC
    Help your older adults loved ones stay safe from spam in their emails. This resource has some tips that you can pass on about recognizing and avoiding spam emails.
  • Web Resource Rating

    GPS Trackers for the Elderly

    Senior living
    GPS is technology that keeps track of a device's location. For older adults at risk of getting lost or wandering, a GPS can help keep track of where they are. Read this resource to learn whether GPS technology would be a good option for your older adult loved one.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Preventing the 5 Kinds of Elder Abuse

    Aging Care
    Elder abuse can be divided in 5 different types: physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse, and neglect. This resource will help you recognize if your loved one is experiencing elder abuse.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Staying safe online

    Age UK
    Online scams and fraud are becoming more common. Read this resource to learn more about how you can stay safe online. You can also find resources in the UK, if you think you have been a victim of an online scam.
  • Web Resource Rating

    7 signs of financial elder abuse

    Get Smarter About Money
    Financial abuse is common among seniors and it is important to notice the signs. Use this resource to learn about some common signs that point to financial abuse so you can protect yourself and you loved ones.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Seniors: if you suspect financial abuse

    Get Smarter About Money
    If you suspect that you or a senior are being financially abused, use this resource to help you decide your next step.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Emotional abuse of older adults

    Yukon Social Services
    If you suspect that a senior is being emotionally abused, use this resource to learn the signs and tips for preventing this from happening in the future. Surprisingly, abusers are usually those who are close to the senior as they take advantage of their position of power.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Understanding and responding to elder abuse

    Government of BC
    If you suspect any type of elder abuse, use this governmental resource as a complete guide to understanding different types of abuse, how to respond, available government resources and ways to ensure a safe environment for both yourself and the victim.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder Abuse: The Hidden Crime

    Community Legal Education Ontario
    Use this guide to learn all things about elder abuse, such as signs, types of abuse, how to prevent and report abuse and more. Information on financial help from the Ontario government and legal information is also offered for your convenience.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Power of Attorney for Personal Care

    Community Legal Education Ontario
    Use this resource to answer all your questions about powers of attorney for personal care and clarify the differences between this role and a power of attorney for property. If you need help choosing a power of attorney or want legal advice, resources are provided for your convenience.
  • Web Resource Rating

    It's your choice: Personal Planning Tools

    Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
    If you are incapable of making your own decisions in the future due to unforeseen circumstances, you can prepare in advance to make sure your wishes are carried out. In order to start planning your personal affairs, consider using this resource to learn more about powers of attorney, adult legal guardianships and advance directives.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Information for Temporary Substitute Decision Makers Authorized by the Public Guardian and Trustee

    Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
    Consider starting to plan in case you are unable to make your own decisions in the future. Learn how a temporary substitute decision maker appointed by a health care provider or a public guardian and trustee can make decisions on your behalf and what restrictions they have when making decisions.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Consent to health care and the role of the public guardian and trustee

    Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
    When an adult is unable to make independent decisions, a substitute decision maker must be appointed. Understand the role of the public guardian and trustee by reading this factsheet.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Duties and Powers of a guardian of property

    Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General
    If you have been appointed as a guardian of property, use this resource to learn about your legal responsibilities and authority. In this role, you are allowed to make decisions on behalf of the incapable person’s property but you cannot make a will.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Becoming a guardian of property

    Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General
    This resource answers all your questions on becoming a guardian of property and outlines the process of being appointed as well as responsibilities and limitations to authority.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Financial Abuse: Protecting British Columbia's Seniors

    Seniors BC
    Financial abuse can present itself in many ways and can be recognized as someone manipulating you to try and take your money, your property or other assets. Use this resource for help on how to prevent this type of abuse and where you can call for help.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Financial abuse of seniors

    Government of Alberta
    Learn the signs of financial abuse by reading about Janet’s story. If you suspect that a senior you know is a victim of financial abuse, use this resource for ways to address the problem and ensure that they feel safe.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Facts on elder abuse

    Government of Alberta
    Use this resource to learn about all the types of elder abuse that goes on in communities and in families and how you can help the victims.
  • Web Resource Rating

    How to Tell Someone You Are Being Abused Starting the Conversation

    Seniors BC
    If you suspect that a senior is being abused or if you are a senior who is experiencing abuse, use this resource as a guide to help you tell loved ones and professionals of your situation. The resource uses plain language to explain all types of abuse and sample sentences you can use to describe your experience.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Responding to Elder Abuse Resources: Who to call, when and why

    Seniors BC
    If you think you or someone you know is a victim of elder abuse, use this resource to learn ways to recognize the signs and for a long list of resources in British Columbia that will be able to help you report the abuse.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Financial Abuse Protecting British Columbia’s Seniors

    Seniors BC
    Learn more about the growing prevalence of financial abuse among seniors and examples of this type of abuse. If you suspect any type of financial abuse, use this resource to learn ways to prevent and report abuse using their provided resources.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Be Fraud Aware

    Seniors BC
    Fraud can happen to anyone anywhere and seniors should be careful when speaking to telemarketers on the phone. This resource also teaches you how to identify con artists in order to ensure your safety.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Protection from Elder Abuse and Neglect

    British Columbia Family & Social Supports
    Use this web page as a guide to handling any type of elder abuse and protecting yourself and others from future attacks. These resources are known as information kits and are mostly relevant to residents of British Columbia and Canada.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Elder abuse

    National Institute on Aging
    If you suspect that a senior is being abused in any way, read this resource to learn about the different types of abuse that they can experience. Also learn about the signs to look out for and how you can help stop the problem.
  • Web Resource Rating

    7 Things to Know About Nursing Home Trust Funds

    Aging Care
    If you have a nursing home resident trust fund, read this resource to learn about the risks of putting money into this fund. Ensure your finances are safe and well-managed.
  • Web Resource Rating

    5 Legal Documents You Need for Your Loved Ones
    Use this resource to learn about the important documents that seniors must have prepared for their loved ones in case of emergencies.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Spotting Elder Abuse: Tips for Long-Distance Caregivers

    National Institute on Aging
    Consider taking note of mood changes, signs of violence, theft or neglect. Contact authorities or a geriatric care manager.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Financial and Legal Matters

    British Columbia Family & Social Supports
    Use this resource to help plan legal and financial matters after retirement and prevent scams and fraud. Links to other resources are also provided for more information.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Thinking About Aging In Place

    Government of Alberta
    Consider practical advice for aging in your own community such as planning for social support, health needs and financial security.
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    Government of Alberta
    Use this resource to keep informed about financial abuse among seniors and steps seniors can take to prevent financial abuse.
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    Report a scam or fraud

    Government of Ontario
    Collect evidence of your scam and report to anti-fraud centres such as the police, the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services or Consumer Protection Ontario. Scammers use emergencies, romance, charity, gift cards and get-rich schemes to scam others.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Information about elderly abuse

    Government of Ontario
    Learn about the different types of elder abuse and how it impacts elders. Listen to adults who tell you they are being abused and seek help instead of facing the perpetrator. Resource shares various helplines and resources.
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    What you need to know about elder abuse

    Government of Ontario
    Learn about the different types of elder abuse and how it impacts elders. Listen to adults who tell you they are being abused and seek help instead of facing the perpetrator. Resource shares various helplines and resources.
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    Safety planning for older persons

    Government of Ontario
    Consider safety planning to prevent abuse by storing emergency phone numbers, saving extra money, plan an escape path and save identification documents. Visit information centres and tell community members if someone is abusing you.
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    What every older Canadian should know about powers of attorney (for financial matters and property) and joint bank accounts

    Government of Alberta
    Use this guide to learn more about the advantages and risks of powers of attorney and joint bank accounts in Canada. Find information on finding and choosing attorneys, things to consider before opening a joint bank account and many more topics.
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    Are you dating? Older Adults and Healthy Relationships

    Government of BC
    Use this resource to learn more about healthy older adult relationships and tips to stay safe while still having a good time dating others. Some examples of unhealthy relationships are also given along with resources that be useful this happens.
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    Fraud Protection Strategies for Seniors on the Phone

    Canadian Center for Elder Law
    Watch out for people who pretend to be relatives in need of money. Prevent scams by not sharing personal information, and asking other relatives first.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Fraud Protection Strategies for Seniors in the Home

    Canadian Center for Elder Law
    Watch out for scam mail that asks you to transfer funds or call a number to receive prize money. Prevent scams by reviewing if you entered a real contest, and contact Canada post to stop delivering junk mail.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Fraud Protection Strategies for Seniors in the Community

    Canadian Center for Elder Law
    Watch out for con artists who try to scam you for fake community initiatives. Prevent scams by asking questions, reviewing the details of your investment and consulting with lawyers or accountants.
  • Web Resource Rating

    Fraud Protection Strategies for Seniors on the Internet

    Canadian Center for Elder Law
    Watch out for scam e-mails that offer free movies or sales. Prevent scams by not clicking on advertisements, deleting these emails and changing spam settings.
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    Fraud Protection Strategies for Seniors on Identity Theft

    Canadian Center for Elder Law
    Watch out for scam e-mails from fake banks or businesses that ask for your private information and contain computer viruses. Prevent scams by not clicking on advertisements, deleting these emails and installing safety software.
  • Web Resource Rating

    ARCHIVED: Section IV: Age-Friendly Rural and Remote Communities – Checklist of Age-Friendly Features

    Public Health Agency of Canada (aging & seniors)
    This resource shares a list of features to make communities more age-friendly. Consider changing outdoor spaces, transport, housing and community services to help the elderly.
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    Thinking about aging in place

    Health Canada
    Plan to live in your community by making changes to your home. Consider moving to a community with social support, services, transport and other aging-related needs.
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    Mortgage Fraud

    Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
    In Canada, seniors are most often the victims of fraud and financial abuse. Use this resource to learn about how to recognize, protect yourself against, and report these crimes.
  • Blog Post

    Bullying between residents in nursing homes: Be part of the solution, not the problem

    As society pays increasing attention to addressing bullying in schools and workplaces, bullying among seniors remains a taboo and neglected issue. Did you know that recent studies show that about 1 in 5 seniors are bullied?
  • Blog Post

    Violence against family caregivers: Symptom of the disease or abuse?

    We often hear about cases of older adults being victims of poor care, being neglected or being financially abused by their family caregivers. But sometimes, it is the family caregiver who is a victim. How can we determine if this is the symptoms of a disease or an act of abuse?
  • Blog Post

    Cryptocurrencies and addiction: be cautious

    It is estimated that 425 million people around the world owns cryptocurrencies (also known as digital or virtual currencies). There appears to be a relationship between trading in high-risk cryptocurrencies or stocks and compulsive gambling. Learn more about cryptocurrencies and their associated health risks.
  • Blog Post

    Healing through restorative justice

    Many victims of crime feel that the traditional criminal justice system is unresponsive, unsatisfactory and painful. Would you consider talking to the person who harmed you? Do you believe that restorative justice is effective?
  • Blog Post

    Childhood wounds can leave marks forever

    Childhood trauma, such as abuse, violence or family dysfunction, has an effect on children's cognitive abilities and these effects can last into adulthood.
  • Blog Post

    Love in the digital age

    The way we look for our soul mate has evolved in the last few years at the same pace as technology. Several platforms to find love have been created. The same is true for other stages of a couple's life cycle: whether it is to maintain a relationship or to regain autonomy after the dissolution of a couple.
  • Blog Post

    Do smart cities rhyme with safe cities?

    A smart city uses various electronic data collection sensors to provide information to help manage its services and resources optimally. These smart technologies can also identify hazards and respond to them effectively.
  • Blog Post

    Violence against women and COVID-19: A pandemic within a pandemic

    Violence against women is a tragic and complex phenomenon, especially since this "shadow pandemic" is unfolding against the background of a health pandemic. We must act proactively and not remain silent in the face of such violence.
  • Blog Post

    Combatting ageism to leverage the assets of older workers

    Ageism is the set of stereotypes, prejudices and discriminatory behaviors based on age. If you are employed or looking for a job and believe you are being discriminated against because of your age, remember that this is illegal.
  • Blog Post

    Elder abuse in rural and remote communities

    Older adults living in rural or remote communities are more vulnerable to abuse due to geographic isolation and lack of access to services and transportation.
  • Blog Post

    Aging behind bars

    Aging behind bars poses challenges. Since the vast majority of inmates end up being released into the community, it is important to look into how prison conditions affect older inmates and the support provided to them in order to ensure the success of their rehabilitation and social reintegration.
  • Blog Post

    Sexual assaults against older adults in nursing homes: recognizing the signs and asking for help

    Sexual assault is one of the most heinous forms of abuse, and some older adults living in long-term care facilities, assisted-living centres and nursing homes may become victims. Stay on the lookout for signs of physical and sexual abuse. If you see something, say something.
  • Blog Post

    A safe place: Fostering older adults’ sense of security

    Fear of crime is associated with negative effects on health and well-being, regardless of age. This fear can be amplified among older adults who are vulnerable, frail, socially isolated, and who no longer benefit from the same family and community support. Discover what the research tells us about strategies to reduce crime and reduce the fear of crime in your community.
  • Blog Post

    Older adults increasingly targeted by fraud and scams

    Financial fraud targeted at the aging population is a serious problem with both monetary and health-related consequences that is likely to continue escalating. Without development of prevention efforts, it’s estimated that the number of cases could nearly double in the next two to three decades.
  • Blog Post

    Are you a victim of abuse?

    Abuse and neglect of older adults can take many forms, but abuse cases are rarely reported. We need more robust strategies to identify, evaluate and respond to elder abuse.